
Infiniti RON95 Euro4M & RON97 Euro4M

Revolutionised with the Latest German Additives

The new revolutionised Infiniti with the latest generation German additives is designed to be the perfect solution for deposit sensitive, modern engines.

Maximum Additives Treat Rate of 800 ppm for Peak Performance

New revolutionised Infiniti is designed to be the perfect solution for modern DISI (direct injection spark ignition) engines

Enhanced Corrosion Inhibitor for Advanced and Improved Protection

New revolutionized Infiniti with improved corrosion inhibitor technology provides outstanding protection against rust and corrosion in the fuel delivery system.

Superior Deposit Cleaning Agents Provide Superior Clean-up Advantage

New revolutionised Infiniti with streamlined DCA (Deposit Control Agents) keeps the engine’s fuel delivery system, including its intake valve, intake port, and fuel injectors, so you enjoy better, longer-lasting engines at no extra cost.

Fuel Injector

The fuel injector is designed to perform two functions:

Both the injector nozzle and passage are very small, therefore they are very sensitive to small amount of deposits formation. When the car engine is turned off, petrol is trapped inside the injector under high pressure. During this “hot soak” period, deposits start to form in the injector passage and nozzle. Over time, the deposits will reduce the fuel volume delivered and alter the spray pattern from the Original Equipment design.

The Intake valve controls the fuel/air intake into the combustion chamber. The hot surface of the intake valve vaporises the fuel to form an efficient combustible mix with oxygen for maximum combustion.

The intake valve surface is subject to deposit formation if the gasoline isn’t treated with an adequate amount of additive. The carbon deposits can influence the fuel/air mixture formation. Firstly, by acting as a sponge this soaks some of the fuel, resulting in a lean fuel/air mix. Secondly, carbon being a poor heat conductor reduces the effectiveness of the fuel vaporisation. Again, the result is less fuel economy and power loss.

The fuel-oxygen mix is compressed in the Combustion chamber and is ignited by the spark from the spark plug to release energy to power the car.

Improved Friction Modifier For Improved Instantaneous Fuel Economy

About 10% fuel is lost to friction caused by the engine’s moving parts. New revolutionized Infiniti is fortified with the latest formulation that reduces friction between piston rings and cylinder walls. This reduces energy loss that translates into instant, constant mileage gain.

Fully-imported petrol with maximum German additives and 90% less sulphur

BHPetrol is happy to announce that the superior Infiniti RON95 Euro4M & RON97 Euro4M petrol at all BHPetrol stations nationwide. Cleaner and higher grade, it is another extraordinary result of our commitment to better meet your needs. Enjoy every benefit of this latest petrol with reduced sulphur and German additives at maximum strength at absolutely no extra cost.

Switch to BHPetrol’s Infiniti RON95 Euro4M & RON97 Euro4M today for...

Extended Engine Life

Infiniti RON95 Euro4M & RON97 Euro4M contains only 50 ppm sulphur, a significant reduction from the 500 ppm in Euro2M. This makes it an infinitely more ideal fuel for your vehicle since sulphur causes an increase in the engine’s acid levels, which damages the engine and prevents emission control systems from performing effectively. Now, all it takes for you to better care for your engine and extend its life, is Infiniti RON95 Euro4M & RON97 Euro4M.

A Cleaner Engine

Infiniti RON95 Euro4M & RON97 Euro4M is integrated with superior Deposit Cleaning Agents to remove performance-disrupting carbon deposits from the fuel injector nozzle and intake so your engine runs cleaner to provide maximum mileage and power.

A Cleaner Environment

Infiniti RON95 Euro4M & RON97 Euro4M was designed with a mere 50 ppm sulphur content to ensure you enjoy a cleaner fuel and better driving experience that reduces toxic emissions. Vehicles with high sulphur levels in their fuel emit harmful pollutants during combustion, and hinders exhaust after-treatment technologies from operating as they should. This causes further harm to our health and environment.

Superior Fuel Economy

Infiniti RON95 Euro4M & RON97 Euro4M is an advanced formulation with proprietary Friction Reducing Agents that minimises friction between the piston rings and cylinder walls to avoid fuel loss so you enjoy added mileage, or more kilometres per tank.

Peak Performance with Maximum* German Additives

Infiniti RON95 Euro4M & RON97 Euro4M is treated with high-performance additives from Germany at maximum strength so the additives work more effectively in a lot less time to ensure your vehicle runs at its peak- harmony in performance.

 *At 800 ppm, double the recommended dosage

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