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BHPetrol Taman Muda Customer appreciation day and MBE Grand Opening

20 JUN 2019

BHPetrol Taman Muda Customer appreciation day and MBE Grand Opening

On 22nd June 2019, a collaboration between BHPetrol Taman Muda and Mailboxes Etc. (MBE) has been officiated by CEO of MBE Malaysia, Mr. Patrick Leung together with Convenience Retailing Manager, Encik Azhan Dolhalit. MBE at BHPetrol Taman Muda was the 118th outlets in Malaysia and 1st collaboration with BHPetrol.

BHPetrol Taman Muda together with MBE distributed goody bags and lucky draw prizes were held as their appreciation to the customers and communities of Taman Muda during the day.

At the same time, customers in Klang Valley who fuel up petrol and diesel at RM40 and above at BHPetrol could participate in “Drive to BHPetrol for a Holiday” contests that offer grand prizes of trip to United Kingdom, New Zealand and Japan.

About MBE:

MBE Worldwide – a family-owned Italian holding company based in Milan – originally started as a Master Franchisee of MBE Inc. in 1993 and subsequently acquired the worldwide Mail Boxes Etc. business in May 2009 from MBE Inc.

Mailboxes Etc. (MBE) is one of the world´s largest networks of retail Centres offering pack and ship, logistics, communications and marketing services to business and private customers.

MBE, in Malaysia, offers retail shipping, postal printing, and business service centres offer convenient parcel pickup, drop off and return services throughout the country.

For more info on MBE, log on to 

MBE Courier Partners includes:

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